Freedom of Information

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)
provides a right to access information for records in the custody and control of the municipality. The municipality may refuse access to a record or part of a record under the exceptions in MFIPPA, including the protection of personal and sensitive information.
An application for a freedom of information request must be accompanied by a $5 payment.
Submit your completed request to:
Municipal Clerk 
Municipality of Temagami 
7 Lakeshore Drive
P.O. Box 220, Temagami
Ontario P0H 2H0

The clerk has 30 days to respond to freedom of information requests, however during the COVID-19 response and recovery period, it may take up to 60 days for a response. 


The following fees may be charged in response to requests for information. Fees payable by cash, cheque, debit.  

Application fee: $5 to be paid when you submit your request.
Search time: $7.50/ 15 minutes required to search and retrieve records.
Record preparation: $7.50/ 15 minutes required to prepare records for release.
Photocopying: $0.20 per page.
Computer programming: $15/ 15 minutes needed to develop a program to retrieve information.
CDs: $10 for each CD.

If the estimate of fees is $100 or more, you may have to pay a 50 percent deposit. Fees payable by cheque (payable to the Municipality of Temagami), debit, or cash.


If you are not satisfied with the Municipality response to your request, you may appeal the town’s decision to the Information and Privacy Commissioner. This commissioner is appointed by the Provincial Legislature and is independent of any government or public institution. The commissioner may be contacted at:

Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario
2 Bloor Street East
Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario M4W 1A8
Phone: 1-800-387-0073

There is a $10 appeal fee for requests related to accessing or correcting your personal information. There is a $25 appeal fee for requests related to accessing general records. Appeal fees may be paid by cheque or money order made payable to the Minister of Finance.

For more information, contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner

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