
In fulfilling our mission, the Municipality of Temagami strives at all times to provide its services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our facilities and services and allowing them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way as other residents and visitors. The Municipality is committed to meeting the need for accommodation for its employees and prospective employees with disabilities. These commitments include meeting the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner to the extent that is feasible under the circumstances.


The Municipality of Temagami has adopted a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan for 2023-2028 that outlines the specific steps in accordance with Ontario Regulation 11/191 that the Municipality is taking and plans to take to improve opportunities for persons with disabilities within our community. Please click on the icon to open the document in pdf format.


The Municipality of Temagami is committed to providing Accessible Customer Service. Please click on the link for more information.


In 2022 the Municipality of Temagami Completed work to upgrade the walking track at the Temagami Community Centre and Sports Complex. The track and walkway has now been paved with asphalt from the parking lot to the beach for all persons to enjoy. The walking path from the gravel parking lot to the walking track it is approximately 340ft long and 10ft wide,  with no slope. The walking track is approximately 1000ft long and 10ft wide with no slope. The walking path to the beach is approximately 170ft long and 10ft wide with a slope of approximately 15-20 degrees going down towards the beach.  Please feel free to reach out to the Municipality of Temagami if you have any further questions. 705-569-3421 or [email protected]

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